Tardy Policy

Trojan Tardy Policy

Tardiness is unacceptable because:

  1. Tardiness reduces the instructional time of the student who is late.

  2. A student's tardiness interrupts the class, resulting in a loss of instructional quality and time for all students.

  3. Students that are late to class frequently are noisy in the halls and disturb the surrounding classrooms.

  4. Punctuality is a practice that is an important life skill that students should learn while in school.

With the above as a rationale, the following policy is implemented:

Tardiness is defined as:

  1. Any student arriving late to class.

  2. Any student who is tardy by more than half of the period will be regarded as absent for the period.

Corrective Action for Unexcused Tardies will be as follows:

3rd/4th Tardy per period

→ Meeting with a Social Worker or Counselor, log in the students PLP, tardy contract, parent contact

5th/6th Tardy per Period

→ Meeting with Administrator - Lunch Detention, parent contact, loss of privilege to attend dances, or other events

7th/+ Tardy per Period 

→ Parent meeting with an Administrator: Referral, Behavior Intervention Plan 

* The tardy count resets at the quarter.