Dear Parents/Guardians,
During school year 2022-23, primarily between January and May of 2023, our students will be taking state mandated tests. You will likely hear your child(ren) using acronyms like MAP, WiDA, ACT, NAA, Science CRT, SBAC, NAEP, EOC and Civics. These are shortened forms of the names of the various assessments we use to collect data on student learning. The Nevada Department of Education uses information about college and career readiness from these exams to evaluate our schools and district. Our district also uses the data to inform the decisions that impact our future instruction.
This letter is meant to fulfill the obligation from the Nevada Revised Statute (NRS 390.275), which requires each school to notify parents of these assessments.
The Nye County School District has a “Test Administration & Security: Procedures and Professional Expectations Manual” that outlines the procedures and security we follow for testing.
Because of the importance of the data from these assessments, students should know that if they are found guilty of cheating or of plagiarizing or of being in possession of prohibited electronic devices during the test administration, their scores will be invalidated and they are subject to school discipline. At the same time, students and parents who suspect an employee or school didn’t correctly follow the testing procedures should report those concerns to the school or district leaders for further investigation.
We appreciate your support with this matter, and if you have any questions, please contact Pahrump Valley High School at 775-727-7737.
Principal, Desiree Veloz