Attendance Matters

AT&T has cleared the phone outage.
The phones are working again at the affected sites: Mount Charleston, Johnson, Manse, PVHS, Floyd, and both Beatty Schools.

AT&T Outage:
Parents & Guardians, AT&T is suffering an outage affecting a few of our schools. They are working to solve the issue.
Until then, phones are down at the following locations: Mount Charleston, J.G. Johnson, Manse, PVHS, Floyd, and all Beatty schools.

January 9, 2023, 11:40 AM
There is a power outage at PVHS. Due to the power outage, phones are not working. With parent/guardian permission, students will be dismissed if they have transportation. Parent(s)/guardian(s) may pick up students from the office if they choose. Buses will transport students at our normal dismissal time of 2:20PM for those students who remain at school. Valley Electric expects to have the power restored within an hour. Thank you.

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 20th from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm & 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Please note students will have a Minimum Monday Schedule and will be released from school at 11:00 am.

School will be closed on Monday, October 10th, 2022 in observance of Columbus Day.

Lifetouch make-up picture day will be held on Friday, October 7th, 2022 in Room 12. Please ensure you have your picture taken if you have not already done so. All students are required to have a school picture ID for entry to PVHS special events.

Dear Parents/Guardians,
During school year 2022-23, primarily between January and May of 2023, our students will be taking state mandated tests. You will likely hear your child(ren) using acronyms like MAP, WiDA, ACT, NAA, Science CRT, SBAC, NAEP, EOC and Civics. These are shortened forms of the names of the various assessments we use to collect data on student learning. The Nevada Department of Education uses information about college and career readiness from these exams to evaluate our schools and district. Our district also uses the data to inform the decisions that impact our future instruction.
This letter is meant to fulfill the obligation from the Nevada Revised Statute (NRS 390.275), which requires each school to notify parents of these assessments.
The Nye County School District has a “Test Administration & Security: Procedures and Professional Expectations Manual” that outlines the procedures and security we follow for testing.
Because of the importance of the data from these assessments, students should know that if they are found guilty of cheating or of plagiarizing or of being in possession of prohibited electronic devices during the test administration, their scores will be invalidated and they are subject to school discipline. At the same time, students and parents who suspect an employee or school didn’t correctly follow the testing procedures should report those concerns to the school or district leaders for further investigation.
We appreciate your support with this matter, and if you have any questions, please contact Pahrump Valley High School at 775-727-7737.
Principal, Desiree Veloz

Picture Day is Monday, August 29th. All students will need to have their picture taken including seniors. This is how you will get your student id. Parents you can also purchase pictures if you would like. Pictures packets were given out this week.

Back to School Fair!

It is time to make your appointment for your Senior Picture to be included in the yearbook and other graduation announcements. The yearbook picture is free to take. You will be given the opportunity to purchase it at a later time if you would like to. You may also pay extra for more poses and outfit changes. They will have lots of different pose options with 2023 and Senior Accessories! You should have received a package in the mail from Prestige Portraits with a unique code for you to sign up online for an appointment. You will be pictured in either the tuxedo or drape option this year. We will have cap and gowns available if you choose to pay for extra poses with your appointment. If you only plan to do the yearbook photo please choose the basic package online and do not pre-pay. You will not be charged when you show up for your appointment unless you choose to do the extra poses. Prestige Portraits will be here starting August 1st. Please go online and make your appointment now!
If you did not receive a package during the summer with your unique code please call Prestige Portraits at 1-800-450-3866 and they will book your appointment over the phone.
Thank you,

Book Drive - TODAY - 10am to 2pm, free hot dogs, drive thru at the Nye Communities Coalition

Graduation Regalia Information

Book Drive - Saturday, May 7th, 10am to 2pm, free hot dogs, drive thru at the Nye Communities Coalition

Book Drive - Saturday, May 7th, 10am to 2pm, NyE Communities Coalition. Free hot dogs.

February 19th is the first day of Spring Sports Season for us. Tryouts and Practice info is below for each sport. Come out and join a team. Be sure to register your athlete on www.registermyathlete.com and have an updated physical for this year.
Boys Golf - Meeting Wednesday, 2/16 at 7:45am in room 119 (Mr. Nygaard's room) - Join us to get more information about the upcoming season. If you can't make it to this early morning meeting please stop in to the Athletic Office and let Mrs. Shockley know you are interested
Baseball - Tryouts are Saturday, 2/19, from 8am to 11am and Tuesday, 2/22, 2:45pm to 5pm. Practices will start on Wednesday, 2/23, and go M-F 2:45pm to 5pm.
Softball - Tryouts are Saturday, 2/19, beginning at 9am. Then practices will start Monday, 2/21, 2:45pm-5pm Monday through Friday
Boys and Girls Track - First practice will be Saturday, 2/19, at 9am on the football field. Then practices will resume on Tuesday, 2/22, from 2:40pm-4pm Monday through Friday. Contact Coach Schmidt for more information at 702-210-1808.
Questions regarding any of our Spring Sports please contact the Athletic Office at 775-727-7737 x 3227.

PVHS Parent Night
Thursday, February 3rd, 2022 - 4:15-6:00
Join us for a night of informational workshops that will provide resources that you can start using right away! There will be snacks and drinks! Please view the attached images for more information.

Nye County Residents and Business Leaders.
The NCSD Grants Department is seeking community feedback regarding our Career Technical Education program for high school students. We have surveys for students and parents as well as business and industry partners.
If you are a member of one of these groups, your feedback will be used for our new grant application and be greatly appreciated.
-- NCSD Residents and Business & Industry Partners: https://forms.gle/SC4ggFVBYNSY3xyh7
-- Parents of High School Students: https://forms.gle/UW1DDnPJAm92Lkug9
-- High School Students: https://forms.gle/BnQWjd62LVXdNhzv9

Parents of High School Students,
The grants department really needs your feedback regarding our Career Technical Education (CTE) programs for a new grant application
Please take the time to complete this survey: https://forms.gle/foAZh25snWQtQy818

NCSD is considering three new publishers for Reading and Language Arts curriculum (K-12). The materials for all three are on display for public input at the Pahrump district office and each school site through January 7, 2022.