Parents & Guardians, please take this anonymous short survey with regard to COVID-19, school closures, and concerns for next school year. The more input we get, the better we can address concerns. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Nye County School District
Let us know!
You can still get a yearbook AND we are planning a pick-up location soon! See this flyer for details!
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
Pahrump Valley High School is thrilled to announce this year's Stand for Children Teacher of the Year, Tosca Arntz! Please take a moment to read why Tosca was this year's winner voted by her peers!
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
UNLV is offering a virtual opportunity for the Class of 2021 to learn more about UNLV! Please see the attached flyer and feel free to email Mrs. Hagstrom for more information!
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
UNLV Flyer
With all that is going on in the world right now and the quickly-changing "norms" in education, Mr. Campnell was inspired to share his viewpoint on the value of education. We wish for you today, and always, to learn to grow.
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
Mr. Campnell's View of Education
Nevada is estimated to receive $20,000 for every single person counted over the next 10 years. Funding will go towards our schools, veterans, healthcare & children's programs. Complete your #NevadaCensus at now @NVCensus2020 #RuralNVCounts
almost 5 years ago, Nye County School District
2020 Census
Trojan Families & Students! Please see the attached message that was sent home via robo call. We value you and your needs at this time; please use email to communicate with teachers and/or staff, as that is most efficient at this time. We miss you and wish you well!
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
PVHS would like to thank the hundreds of community members who came to the BE The Light event. Your support was amazing, and I was touched by one of the most inspirational events I have attended in my 28 year educational career journey. Principal George Campnell
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Shockley
Seniors 1
Seniors 2
Seniors 3
Seniors 4
PVHS is taking part in the "Be the Light and Never, Ever Give Up on Your Dreams" campaign and is inviting you to join! We will turn our football field lights on for 20 minutes on April 17, 2020 at 8:20 p.m. Please drive by and honk in support! Please remain in your vehicle.
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
You're Invited!
Now more than ever, we need to come together to ensure Nevada receives the proper funding for healthcare, education, public health, and public safety. Fill out your #NevadaCensus at now. Our future is counting on us @NVCensus2020 #NevadaMatters
almost 5 years ago, Nye County School District
2020 Census
Please take a moment away from your learning at a distance and enjoy a long weekend with your family. Take a few days away and unplug. We miss you Trojan Family and can't wait to see you soon!
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
Family Days
PVHS is continuing to recognize our Stars of the Month through the learning at a distance model as staff are still focusing on students, bringing joy, and working hard as ever. This month's stars are Mr. Weaver & Mrs. Veloz for their positivity, inspiration, and heart!
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
Mrs. Veloz
Mr. Weaver
PVHS students have an incredible opportunity to take college courses at GBC for FREE! Summer registration opens on Monday, April 6th, 2020. Please see this flyer for what to do next to take advantage of this opportunity!
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
GBC Registration
Please join us in celebrating the February and March PVHS Stars of the Month! Mrs. Arntz, Mr. Williams, Mrs. Villa, and Mrs. Roderick bring so much light to our staff and we appreciate them! Please take a moment today and vote for April:!
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
Star of the Month
Trojan Families: During this time of school closure, many community resources are available. Thank you to our community and Trojan Family for coming together at this time.
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
We miss the chatter in the hallways, hanging out at lunch, classroom discussion and you! Please join us in a virtual spirit week - anyone can participate! Simply take your picture and post it on Facebook with @pahrumpvalleytrojans!
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
Spirit week
Superintendent Norton offers his thanks:
almost 5 years ago, Nye County School District
This short video demonstrates how to login to Chrome on a home computer in a manner that keeps all of the different accounts separated. The video doesn't apply to Chromebooks, just computers.
almost 5 years ago, Robert Williams, Director of Technology
Are you missing your counselors at PVHS? Or, do you have questions regarding academics, scholarships, or resources available? Please check out this website for information from our academic counseling center:
almost 5 years ago, PVHS Administration
Counseling Resource
Nuestro sitio web es bilingüe. Puedes verlo en inglés o español. --- Our website is bilingual. You can see it in English or Spanish.
almost 5 years ago, Robert Williams, Director of Technology
Translation Button
This is an automatic translation